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2019-03-01 15:30 1494


With the arrival of Generation Z era, people's consumption demand for nightlife has gradually changed from single entertainment to diversified entertainment. As one of the carriers, bars provide more diversified contents. Through improving the function of bars, adding different experiences to attract consumers' attention, it will create unique and strong brand characteristics, so that consumers can get good sensory experience in the process of consumption. To this end, the design and planning of bar space itself plays a vital role in it.

贵阳OMNIA MUSIC CLUB位于贵阳娱乐中心地带,这家集合现场乐队、DJ秀、舞台秀、Lounge吧等多重娱乐形式于一体的多元化音乐酒吧,在有限空间融合不同的场景属性,演绎绮丽而丰满的娱乐空间。在众多娱乐品牌林立之地,创造了品牌独属的个性风格,给予消费者全新的娱乐感官体验。

Guiyang OMNIA MUSIC CLUB is located in the entertainment center of Guiyang. This diversified music bar,which combines various entertainment forms such as live bands, DJ shows,stage shows and Lounge bars, has integrated different scene attributes in limited space and has demonstrated beautiful and vivid entertainment space.It’s created a unique style out of many brands,offering consumers a brand new entertainment sensory experience.


The design of this project focuses on how to integrate multiple forms of entertainment. The designer combines the overall design of the gilt warm light source with the modern fashionable streamlined design, achieving the unity of space. The light source extends to the center of the stage to construct the leisure atmosphere of Lounge bar through the walls with ripple linear cutting. You can see the beautiful green flower planting scenery through the giant glass house in the outer swing area.And the corridor with green plants links the inner and outer space as whole to create a vibrant scene with layers.


The whole space is spread out vertically and horizontally from the central stage. The designer uses reverse design to reverse the LED screen to the ceiling, skillfully avoiding the problem of storey height and increasing the depth of space. In the stage design, it adopted the strip LED screen to match the Madrix light bar, and lifting DJ platform and rotating LED screen to ensure the fluency of stage change. The design of the backlight array behind the rotating LED screen can better meet the lighting needs of different stages such as bands and DJ shows. The combination of variable lighting and sound field provide customers with changeable stage experience.


设计单位: 深圳市新冶组设计顾问有限公司




Project Name: Guiyang OMNIA MUSIC CLUB

Design by: Shenzhen Newera Design Co., Ltd.

Project Area: 620m²

Completion Date: October, 2018

Project Location: Guiyang City·Guizhou

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