【 纯净•治愈 | 尚层作品】

参考造价:暂未填写| 风格:其他| 空间:三居| 面积:145平米| 浏览数:236
案例简介 Case description

A relaxed, lively and comfortable home atmosphere,
Let people who go home get decompression and relax their minds.

项目名称 | Name: 纯净•治愈
项目地址 | Address:城市花园
设计单位 | Design:尚层国际设计
施工单位 |Construct :墅质营造
设计总监 | Designer:邱志标
设计时间 | Time:2021.11
项目面积 | Area:145㎡
主要材料 | Typical materials:原木、艺术漆
软装陈列 | Designer:袁炳旭
视觉表现 | Designer:墨森
【 纯净•治愈 | 尚层作品】_16

White TV background wall, bright and carefree, combines open and closed storage, which can not only ensure enough storage space, but also make the whole simple and elegant. Unique seats add an artistic flavor to the whole house.
【 纯净•治愈 | 尚层作品】_16

Both walls of the living room are customized with white wallboard, which enhances the value of the whole house. Decorating with simple lines can make the walls more layered. Technology-based sofa is fashionable and comfortable, echoing the style unity of the whole space; Let the simple and elegant space have a little more fashion sense, and show the beauty of personality from simplicity.
【 纯净•治愈 | 尚层作品】_16

Living in noisy cities and high-rise buildings, we miss the forest, the countryside and the small houses in the countryside. This time, in the exquisite space size, the designer, with Nordic-style pure white and log elements and warm soft furnishings, created a simple and elegant house for the owners, and at the same time brought some small and fresh houses.
【 纯净•治愈 | 尚层作品】_16

The circular ceiling embedded lamp belt is exquisite and elegant in color, which enhances the design and beauty of the space.
【 纯净•治愈 | 尚层作品】_16

The chandelier is a Japanese-style rice paper lantern chandelier, which is hazy and simple but elegant. The white marble dining table in the dining room is matched with solid wood rattan dining chairs, which continues the sense of lines and colors of the whole space. The warm dining environment reveals the master's balance of taste and sublimates the sense of dining ceremony.
【 纯净•治愈 | 尚层作品】_16
实木藤编餐椅具有美丽的风化纹理, 空间故意在棕褐色木材和白色石材之间交替使用。细节之中,诠释着精致的生活质感与艺术意境。 以有限空间与材质的巧妙运用,打造韵律感与多变性的体验,节奏的轻重缓急、张弛有度,都在极致的追求中彰显产品价值。

Solid wood rattan dining chair has beautiful weathered texture, space is deliberately used alternately between brown wood and white stone.Among the details, the exquisite life texture and artistic conception are explained. With the ingenious use of limited space and materials, we can create a rhythmic and changeable experience. The order of rhythm and relaxation are all in the ultimate pursuit to show the product value.
【 纯净•治愈 | 尚层作品】_16

The painting is light and ethereal, which makes the still space full of smart and soft beauty and full of visual tension. Furniture, paintings and ornaments, fresh and elegant in texture and color, complement the whole space environment.
【 纯净•治愈 | 尚层作品】_16

The whole space is connected in series with grey and brown bedrooms, giving people a clean and elegant feeling, simple and elegant and ingenious light-colored atmosphere, which makes the whole home atmosphere particularly warm and Jing Ya. Simple line background wall, combined with artistic texture and painting, is simple and comfortable, and the overall collocation makes people unconsciously relax in space.


【遇见《西雅图》 | 尚层作品】
【遇见《西雅图》 | 尚层作品】
水木设计  |流光溯影,静时如寄
水木设计 |流光溯影,静时如寄

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