
参考造价:暂未填写| 空间:售楼中心| 面积:1220平米| 浏览数:2636
案例简介 Case description
The return to nature and capturing of poetic flavor is the core statement and emotional appeal in the design by Fenghemuchen for the sales center of the Jinke JiMeiTianChen in Zaozhuang. They sought to recreate the tranquility and elegance of traditional Chinese style, and to live a truly healthy and awakened life by slowing down the paces.
通过对造物、文化、生活方式的汲取沿袭,打造出独有的东方人居审美表现体系。用最自然的方式,将健康疗愈的理念与感受传达给置身空间中的每一个人。漫步其中,卸下所有的社会属性, 让精神得以放松,压力得以排解。
Drawing inspiration from traditional Chinese craftsmanship, culture and lifestyle, the designers have managed to find a unique way in expressing aesthetics of oriental residences. The idea of wellbeing and healing is conveyed to everyone entering the space in the most natural way, allowing them to turn away from stress and burdens in life for a moment and getting relaxed.
In addition, based on the in-depth interpretation of Chinese classical humanism and ancient Qilu cultural heritage, the designers, keeping exploring the authentic oriental design language throughout the space, make each and every effort to reorganize and deconstruct orders in this space, and present a new feeling with modern design language. In an attempt to create a spiritual space that can purify our minds and lead a way to return to a poetic world, they are ambitious to build a space featuring oriental artistic and cultural elements full of artistic spirituality and self-perception.
The overall conception of the space is derived from the Chinese characters of “合” and “舍”, “合” means “completeness, convergence and reunion”, while “舍” has two meanings: one is a residence, and another one is the concept of making a choice and feeling a sense of relief.
为了寻求“山水聚合、藏风得水”的传统建筑理念,空间中被并列地置入大型的木质构架作为整体建构和分割空间的主体骨骼造型, 形成“舍”的框架结构部分。
In order to leverage the traditional Fengshui architectural wisdom of “captivating the spirit of mountain and water for storing the good things”, large wooden frames are placed in sequence throughout the space as the main structure and space division, forming a framework structure resembling the character “舍”.
构架的顶部吸收并运用了中国古典殿阁与井亭的“盝顶”建筑造型样式,形成四角上扬收合的形态,凸显出生命气息与能量聚合的理念,同时在聚合的顶部留出可呼吸的天窗气口 , 充分地吸纳天地灵气和流转的太阳光线。从而形成“舍”的倾斜式顶部结构部分。“盝顶”的运用,产生出高低起伏、聚合离散的空间节奏,也营造出林泉丘壑、山野幽僻的悠远意境。
The roof of the space is inspired by the traditional architectural form of “luding”, which is primarily used in Chinese pavilions and palaces. It is a rectangular roof and high rising tilts leaning towards the center on all four corners, representing the convergence of vitality and energy. At the same time, a skylight is made at the top part where the elements converge, so as to let in the “Qi” and sunlight. This forms the inclined top structure part of character “舍”. The use of “luding” not only produces the spatial rhythm of ups and downs, convergence and dispersion, but also creates a sense of seclusion.
In addition, for main areas such as the sand table and the in-depth negotiation area, tilted roof is again used to converge energy, and then transmit energy to the lower functional area. At the same time, they serve the purpose of screening the light from above, and bringing energy and Qi together.
The space is dominated by wooden and plain cement grey in color. The design language and material selection are kept simple, plain, minimal and pure. Wooden grilles are widely used as space division between different functional areas, so that the space is both transparent and orderly between each functional area. The deceptively simple design has got rid of pompous decoration, creating a modest yet fascinating style. Using wood creates a calm and warm atmosphere for healing the mind. The seemingly dull design highlights the charm of the materials, creating unobtrusive atmosphere. The concrete space is transformed into a simple, tranquil, flowing and ethereal environment with an abstraction approach.
The building is surrounded by large areas of waterscape. The designers introduce the water concept into the interior naturally. The use of dry rock landscape and still water bowl creates an ethereal touch of “juxtaposing of wild flower and Zen state”, while the lyrical sound of running water has a calming and healing power to the heart in this serene place.
Between the entrance porch and the main in-depth negotiation area the designers specially set up a large art installation, which is made of a series of dense burned wood strips arranged vertically, further conveying the spatial image of “however dense bamboo bushes are, they cannot hinder the flowing waters” and “surrounded by bushes on all sides”.
By using such contemporary visual elements to represent the spiritual context of Chinese culture, the designers inherit traditional art creation technique of taking images for meaning to unlock the unique inspiration and artistic conception. It subtly meets our long-standing aesthetic and cultural needs, striking a resonant cord in emotion. The combination of space perception with natural inspiration, traditional experience with contemporary aesthetics will bring our cultural inheritance to a higher level.
In addition to fulfilling the functional requirements, the designers transform the tangible space into intangible spiritual and emotional touches, and convey a unique poetic and picturesque feeling in sheer simplicity and tranquility. Breaking the boundary between tradition and modernity, dream and reality, they manage to combine aesthetics with life, providing an idyllic, minimal, natural and spiritual retreat for people living in the hustle and bustle of modern metropolis to find and return to their true self. This is where space and nature merge, old heritage and new elements coexist. With the addition of a modern touch, they build an intimate, relaxed, comfortable, quiet and natural artistic space where our body and soul can link and align.

设计师:陈贻 张睦晨


汉风之境  逸然东方
汉风之境 逸然东方

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