【艺术涂料展厅| 尚层作品】

参考造价:暂未填写| 空间:其他| 面积:360平米| 浏览数:1795
案例简介 Case description

Spark of material colliding with space structure
Maximize the charm of expressing materials through design.

项目名称 | Name:艺术涂料展厅
项目地址 | Address:威罗艺术涂料
设计单位 | Design:尚层国际设计
施工单位 |Construct :墅质营造
设计总监 | Designer:周波
设计时间 | Time:2021.10
项目面积 | Area:360㎡
主要材料 | Typical materials:大理石、实木、艺术漆
软装陈列 | Designer:袁炳旭
视觉表现 | Designer:森林君
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The designed staircase exudes a logical sense of rationality and science, and it also explains the artistry of geometry. It not only has a unique mood and interest in daily life, but also saves most of the space. Connecting with the staircase corridor becomes a clear moving line, and the staircase becomes the hub of space.
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Space is not a traditional exhibition hall of materials, which displays and displays products bluntly, but more like an art space. Products are not only the materials that make up the space itself, but also the works of art for exhibition.
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场景间的有效连接,突围时空 物境合一,每一处都相互赋能。

Effective connection between scenes, breaking through the unity of time, space and environment, empowering each other everywhere.
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It's a colorful firework, creating a hazy poetic mood under the shadow of the lamp. Every place has a sense of ritual and art generate.
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Raise the horizon from bottom to top, create the illusion that the whole wall is suspended in the air, and it can be seen that the corner of the product display, still hiding half her face from us behind her guitar, has helped the interest of seeing the whole picture.
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Whether it's an art gallery or a product exhibition hall, or indoor landscaping, the scenery is everywhere you inadvertently stop and look.
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The office area presents a leisurely and elegant natural state. In the artistic expression of space, light and shadow, it deduces a free spatial structure with a sense of order. Create a more relaxed negotiation atmosphere while triggering communication.


李岳龙 | 融
李岳龙 | 融
二间半设计丨SO LA SO •
二间半设计丨SO LA SO •

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