居峰口腔 | 有温度的美学医疗诊所

参考造价:暂未填写| 空间:医疗机构| 面积:500平米| 浏览数:1041
案例简介 Case description
设计师描述 :当与客户接触时,我们被要求创造一个不一样的医疗空间,要像家一样有温暖感,同时也要保持中立,用户觉得自己进入到了一个休闲放松又宾至如归的地方。
项目简介:本项目位于重庆4A景区巴国城一街、两园中”一街“中段商业板块内,外观建筑以古城门、将军亭为主要元素,是巴渝文化最具代表性的建筑之一,如何在闹市中寻一处静谧,放松的休闲医疗场域又不破坏整体性,赋予空间足够的光与热是设计的首要思考点。结合建筑本身的特点,空间规划以巴渝建筑特色吊脚楼为灵感,最高点近7米空高分布三层,一层为主要空间,包含接待大厅、儿童休闲区、诊室等,二层办公空间,三层综合会议区,层层递进,高低错落。为更好的缓解患者情绪和压力,重新定义传统牙科带给人的冰冷感、距离感,一层主要空间院落式布局,去中心化,每个进入空间的人都能很快找到自己舒适的位置,柔和的空间动线去除压迫感, 接待大厅被设置在原外廊采光最好的位置,材质上也尽量选择柔和温润的原木为主体色,大面积留白、最大程度保留原结构美感,光影交织,患者进入这样空间,可以感受有内外、有高低、如院子一样,空间有了呼吸。
Designer's description: Upon engaging with the client, we were asked to create a different kind of healthcare space that felt like home with a sense of warmth while remaining neutral, and where the user felt like they were entering a place of leisure and relaxation yet at home.

Project Introduction: The project lies in the middle commercial section of one street and two gardens in Baguo City, a 4A scenic area in Chongqing. With the ancient city gate and General Pavilion as the main elements, the project is one of the most representative buildings of Bayu culture. Finding a quiet and relaxing place to relax in the midst of the city, so as not to ruin the integrity of the space, and giving enough light and heat to the space is the primary point of consideration. Combining with the characteristics of the building itself, the spatial planning is inspired by the Bayu architectural features of the hanging foot tower, with the highest point nearly 7 meters high distributed over three floors. The first floor is the main space, containing the reception hall, children's recreation area, consultation rooms, etc., the second floor office space, and the third floor comprehensive conference area, with progressive layers and staggered heights. For the better relief of patients' emotions and pressure, redefining the sense of coldness and distance brought by traditional dentistry, the courtyard layout of the main space on the first floor is decentered, and everyone who enters the space can quickly find his or her comfortable position. The soft spatial movement line removes the sense of oppression, the reception hall is set in the original outer corridor with the best light location, and the soft and gentle wood is chosen as the main material, leaving a large area of white, retaining the beauty of the original structure to the greatest extent, and interweaving light and shadow, so patients entering such a space can feel that there are inside and outside, high and low, like a courtyard, with the space breathing
居峰口腔 | 有温度的美学医疗诊所_
接待大厅为原建筑露台,设计预留天窗,阳光穿过子午线,一疏 一影,温暖得像个疗愈星球。人和物,去来之间。迎着光,自然生长。
居峰口腔 | 有温度的美学医疗诊所_
居峰口腔 | 有温度的美学医疗诊所_


LDY赤成国际 | 沫稼健康会所
LDY赤成国际 | 沫稼健康会所

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